🏗 Notification Structures
The content
in push data is required
Attribute | Required | Description | Type | Value Limits | Default |
id | YES | Number that identifies a unique notification | int | 1 - 2.147.483.647 | |
channelKey | YES | String key that identifies a channel where not. will be displayed | String | channel must be enabled | basic_channel |
title | NO | The title of notification | String | unlimited | |
body | NO | The body content of notification | String | unlimited | |
summary | NO | A summary to be displayed when the content is protected by privacy | String | unlimited | |
category | NO | The notification category that best describes the nature of the notification for O.S. | Enumerator | NotificationCategory | |
badge | NO | Set a badge value over app icon | int | 0 - 999.999 | |
showWhen | NO | Hide/show the time elapsed since notification was displayed | bool | true or false | true |
displayOnForeground | NO | Hide/show the notification if the app is in the Foreground (streams are preserved ) | bool | true or false | true |
displayOnBackground | NO | Hide/show the notification if the app is in the Background (streams are preserved ). OBS: Only available for iOS with background special permissions | bool | true or false | true |
icon | NO | Small icon to be displayed on the top of notification (Android only) | String | must be a resource image | |
largeIcon | NO | Large icon displayed at right middle of compact notification | String | unlimited | |
bigPicture | NO | Big image displayed on expanded notification | String | unlimited | |
autoDismissible | NO | Notification should auto dismiss when gets tapped by the user (has no effect for reply actions on Android) | bool | true or false | true |
color | NO | Notification text color | Color | 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF | 0x000000 ( |
backgroundColor | NO | Notification background color | Color | 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF | 0xFFFFFF (Colors.white) |
payload | NO | Hidden payload content | Map<String, String> | Only String for values | null |
notificationLayout | NO | Layout type of notification | Enumerator | NotificationLayout | Default |
hideLargeIconOnExpand | NO | Hide/show the large icon when notification gets expanded | bool | true or false | false |
locked | NO | Blocks the user to dismiss the notification | bool | true or false | false |
progress | NO | Current value of progress bar (percentage). Null for indeterminate. | int | 0 - 100 | null |
ticker | NO | Text to be displayed on top of the screen when a notification arrives | String | unlimited | |
actionType (Only for Android) | NO | Notification action response type | Enumerator | ActionType | Default |
Action Buttons
The actionButtons in push data is optional
- Is necessary at least one *required attribute
Attribute | Required | Description | Type | Value Limits | Default |
key | YES | Text key to identifies what action the user took when tapped the notification | String | unlimited | |
label | *YES | Text to be displayed over the action button | String | unlimited | |
icon | *YES | Icon to be displayed inside the button | String | must be a resource image | |
color | NO | Label text color (only for Android) | Color | 0x000000 to 0xFFFFFF | |
enabled | NO | On Android, deactivates the button. On iOS, the button disappear | bool | true or false | true |
autoDismissible | NO | Notification should auto cancel when gets tapped by the user | bool | true or false | true |
showInCompactView | NO | For MediaPlayer notifications on Android, sets the button as visible in compact view | bool | true or false | true |
isDangerousOption | NO | Mark the button as a dangerous option, displaying the text in red | bool | true or false | false |
actionType | NO | Notification action response type | Enumerator | ActionType | Default |
in Push data is optional
Attribute | Required | Description | Type | Value Limits / Format | Default |
interval | YES | Time interval between each notification (minimum of 60 sec case repeating) | Int (seconds) | Positive unlimited | |
allowWhileIdle | NO | Displays the notification, even when the device is low battery | bool | true or false | false |
repeats | NO | Defines if the notification should play only once or keeps repeating | bool | true or false | false |
timeZone | NO | Time zone identifier (ISO 8601) | String | "America/Sao_Paulo", "GMT-08:00" or "UTC" | "UTC" |
in Push data is optional
- Is necessary at least one *required attribute
- If the calendar time condition is not defined, then any value is considered valid in the filtering process for the respective time component
Attribute | Required | Description | Type | Value Limits / Format | Default |
era, | *YES | Schedule era condition | Integer | 0 - 99999 | |
year, | *YES | Schedule year condition | Integer | 0 - 99999 | |
month, | *YES | Schedule month condition | Integer | 1 - 12 | |
day, | *YES | Schedule day condition | Integer | 1 - 31 | |
hour, | *YES | Schedule hour condition | Integer | 0 - 23 | |
minute, | *YES | Schedule minute condition | Integer | 0 - 59 | |
second, | *YES | Schedule second condition | Integer | 0 - 59 | |
weekday, | *YES | Schedule weekday condition | Integer | 1 - 7 | |
weekOfMonth, | *YES | Schedule weekOfMonth condition | Integer | 1 - 6 | |
weekOfYear, | *YES | Schedule weekOfYear condition | Integer | 1 - 53 | |
allowWhileIdle | NO | Displays the notification, even when the device is low battery | bool | true or false | false |
repeats | NO | Defines if the notification should play only once or keeps repeating | bool | true or false | false |
timeZone | NO | Time zone identifier (ISO 8601) | String | "America/Sao_Paulo", "GMT-08:00" or "UTC" | "UTC" |
Crontab is only available on Android
in Push data is optional
- Is necessary at least one *required attribute
- Cron expression must respect the format (with seconds precision) as described in this article
Attribute | Required | Description | Type | Value Limits / Format | Default |
initialDateTime | NO | Initial limit date of valid dates (does not fire any notification) | String | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss | |
expirationDateTime | NO | Final limit date of valid dates (does not fire any notification) | String | YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss | |
crontabExpression | *YES | Crontab rule to generate new valid dates (with seconds precision) | bool | true or false | false |
preciseSchedules | *YES | List of precise valid dates to fire | bool | true or false | false |
allowWhileIdle | NO | Displays the notification, even when the device is low battery | bool | true or false | false |
repeats | NO | Defines if the notification should play only once or keeps repeating | bool | true or false | false |
timeZone | NO | Time zone identifier (ISO 8601) | String | "America/Sao_Paulo", "GMT-08:00" or "UTC" | "UTC" |